Materials Modelling|Pooja Goddard| Loughborough
Contact: p.goddard@lboro.ac.uk
Our expertise is on using computational modelling to better understand fundamental processes in complex solid-state materials at surfaces and interfaces e.g. grain boundaries.
Our multi scale modelling approach allows us to proficiently look at defects and how these affect materials in relation to structural, mechanical and electronic properties. All our projects are in strong collaboration with experimental groups and industry and therefore bridging the gap between science and engineering.
The areas of research within the group are wide-ranging with a focus on the next generation energy storage systems, thin film photovoltaics, Nuclear Materials and fuel cell materials.

Group News
Battery Materials
JMCA2022, AFM 2021, Nature Comms. 2020,
CoM 2020, SSI 2020
Thin Film Solar Cells
JPCM2023, NatComms 2021, PRMat 2021, JPCM 2019, TSF 2019, IEEE 2018

Congratulations to Dr. P on your promotion to Reader in Materials Modelling
Congratulations on securing an ICASE studentship with Sellafield LtD.
Congratulations to Dr. P on securing the RAEng Industry Fellowship 2022.
Congratulations to Dr. P on securing the Royal Society Industry Fellowship 2022.
Congratulations to Dr. P on securing a Royal Society Industry Fellowship 2021 with Echion Technologies.
Nuclear Materials
J. Alloys & compounds 2022; PRB 2022; PCCP 2022